Physical Therapists

Physical Therapists
female physical therapist
Amanda Karlsson-harter, PT

    Physical Therapist
2064 Fairport Nine Mile Point Rd, Penfield, NY 14526
female physical therapist
Amanda Marie Mcguigan, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
141 Hillcrest Dr, Clarksville, TN 37043
female physical therapist
Amanda Vokoun, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
380 Butterfly Gardens Drive, 1e, Columbus, OH 43215
female physical therapist
Amanda Lynn Gange, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
401 W Pennsylvania Ave, Anaconda, MT 59711
406-563-8590     406-563-8569
female physical therapist
Amanda Wheatley Mcqueen, PT

    Physical Therapist
601 N Caroline St, Baltimore, MD 21287
female physical therapist
Mrs. Amanda Marleen Kelso, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
75 Minges Creek Pl, Battle Creek, MI 49015
female physical therapist
Amanda H Biehl, DPT, CLT

    Physical Therapist
3304 Masonic Dr, Alexandria, LA 71301
female physical therapist
Amanda Paige Yanulevich, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
6300 Woodside Ct Ste 5, Columbia, MD 21046
female physical therapist
Amanda Bloedow

    Physical Therapist
245 Sycamore St, Sauk City, WI 53583
female physical therapist
Amanda Quanstrom, DPT

    Physical Therapist
343 W Drake Rd, Suite 102, Fort Collins, CO 80526
970-204-9635     970-204-9730
female physical therapist
Mrs. Amanda Lynne Weidner, PT

    Physical Therapist
23715 Little Mack Ave Ste 200, Saint Clair Shores, MI 48080
586-447-4064     586-447-4069
female physical therapist
Amanda Clark, DPT

    Physical Therapist - Pediatrics
2451 Coral Ct Ste 1, Coralville, IA 52241
female physical therapist
Amanda E Henrichs, DPT

    Physical Therapist
1915 Carlyle Ave Ste D, Belleville, IL 62221
female physical therapist
Amanda Wieder, DPT

    Physical Therapist - Pediatrics
1215 E Orange St, Lakeland, FL 33801
female physical therapist
Amanda Nguyen, DPT

    Physical Therapist
582 S Sunnyvale Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Physical Therapists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat people with health problems resulting from injury or disease. Physical therapist's assess joint motion, muscle strength and endurance, function of heart and lungs, and performance of activities required in daily living, among other responsibilities. Treatment includes therapeutic exercises, cardiovascular endurance training, and training in activities of daily living.
Physical therapists are qualified by an accredited program in physical therapy, licensed by the state, and practicing within the scope of that license. Physical therapists treat disease, injury, or loss of a bodily part by physical means, such as the application of light, heat, cold, water, electricity, massage and exercise. They develop treatment plans based upon each patient's strengths, weaknesses, range of motion and ability to function.
A health professional who specializes in physical therapy- the health care field concerned primarily with the treatment of disorders with physical agents and methods, such as massage, manipulation, therapeutic exercises, cold, heat (including short-wave, microwave, and ultrasonic diathermy), hydrotherapy, electric stimulation and light to assist in rehabilitating patients and in restoring normal function after an illness or injury.