Physical Therapists

Physical Therapists
female physical therapist
Ms. Allison R Burba Horgan, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
55 Fruit Street, Boston, MA 02114
female physical therapist
Dr. Allison Linn Low, DPT

    Physical Therapist
3975 Old Redwood Hwy, Mob 5, Suite 154, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
female physical therapist
Allison Halbig, D.P.T

    Physical Therapist
34 Indian Head Dr, Sayville, NY 11782
female physical therapist
Allison Van Oort, PT

    Physical Therapist
350 Ne 36th St, Ankeny, IA 50021
515-224-1414     515-224-5140
female physical therapist
Allison Petzel, DPT

    Physical Therapist
1431 Premier Dr, Mankato, MN 56001
507-386-6600     507-386-0252
female physical therapist
Allison Pfrommer

    Physical Therapist
900 Route 168, Turnersville, NJ 08012
856-227-1440     856-227-1446
female physical therapist
Allison Morgan Amodeo, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
7300 Dearwester Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45236
female physical therapist
Allison Cadematori

    Physical Therapist
206 Twinridge Ln, Richmond, VA 23235
female physical therapist
Allison Elizabeth Triola, PT

    Physical Therapist
200 1st St Sw, Rochester, MN 55905
female physical therapist
Allison Hickey, DPT

    Physical Therapist
2185 Nw Shevlin Park Rd, Bend, OR 97703
female physical therapist
Allison Wiernasz, PT

    Physical Therapist
181 Patricia Genova Drive, Eastern Rehabilitation Network 5th Floor, Newington, CT 06111
860-667-5449     860-667-8416
female physical therapist
Allison M Denlinger, DPT,ATC,LAT

    Physical Therapist
3817 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Beavercreek, OH 45324
female physical therapist
Allison Keith

    Physical Therapist
410 W Main St, Jackson, MO 63755
573-755-2302     573-243-0994
female physical therapist
Mrs. Allison Dougherty, PT

    Physical Therapist
15387 Avenue 280, Visalia, CA 93292
female physical therapist
Allison Marie Dasari, DPT

    Physical Therapist
1390 University Ave W, Saint Paul, MN 55104
Physical Therapists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat people with health problems resulting from injury or disease. Physical therapist's assess joint motion, muscle strength and endurance, function of heart and lungs, and performance of activities required in daily living, among other responsibilities. Treatment includes therapeutic exercises, cardiovascular endurance training, and training in activities of daily living.
Physical therapists are qualified by an accredited program in physical therapy, licensed by the state, and practicing within the scope of that license. Physical therapists treat disease, injury, or loss of a bodily part by physical means, such as the application of light, heat, cold, water, electricity, massage and exercise. They develop treatment plans based upon each patient's strengths, weaknesses, range of motion and ability to function.
A health professional who specializes in physical therapy- the health care field concerned primarily with the treatment of disorders with physical agents and methods, such as massage, manipulation, therapeutic exercises, cold, heat (including short-wave, microwave, and ultrasonic diathermy), hydrotherapy, electric stimulation and light to assist in rehabilitating patients and in restoring normal function after an illness or injury.