General Orthopedic Surgeons

General Orthopedic Surgeons
male surgeon
Sunny R Parekh, DO

    General Orthopedic
1755 Highway 34 E, Newnan, GA 30265
male surgeon
Dr. Sunny Gupta, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
4864 Jackson St, Monroe, LA 71202
male surgeon
Dr. Sunny Chi Fung Cheung, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
19333 Bear Valley Rd, Suite 104, Apple Valley, CA 92308
760-247-8462     760-247-8527
male surgeon
Surajudeen Adebola Bolarinwa, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
2041 Georgia Ave Nw, Washington, DC 20060
male surgeon
Surena Namdari, MD

    General Orthopedic
925 Chestnut St, Fifth Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107
267-339-3500     215-503-0580
male surgeon
Mr. Surendrapal Sihgh Mac, MD

    General Orthopedic
816 N 3rd Street, Albemarle, NC 28001
704-983-3314     704-983-3315
male surgeon
Dr. Suresh Nayak, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
7910 Beechmont Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45255
513-232-2663     859-817-7848
male surgeon
Suresh Kasaraneni, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
1477 N Gardner St, Scottsburg, IN 47170
812-752-9127     812-754-9645
male surgeon
Suresh Kevin Nayar, MD

    General Orthopedic
350 30th St Ste 100, Oakland, CA 94609
male surgeon
Dr. Sureshan Sivananthan, MD

    General Orthopedic
500 E Remington Dr, Number 29, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
female surgeon
Dr. Surrenthia R Parker, M. D.

    General Orthopedic
7531 S Stony Island Ave, Chicago, IL 60649
female surgeon
Dr. Susan V Bukata, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
1250 16th St, Suite 3142, Santa Monica, CA 90404
424-259-9816     424-259-6591
female surgeon
Dr. Susan S Tseng, MD

    General Orthopedic
4860 Y St, Acc #1700, Sacramento, CA 95817
916-734-2700     916-703-5074
female surgeon
Susan Stewart Jordan, M.D.

    General Orthopedic
2201 Newnan Crossing Blvd E Ste 100, Newnan, GA 30265
770-460-4747     678-673-5102
female surgeon
Mrs. Susan Bursch Jeansonne, ACNP

    General Orthopedic
1161 21st Ave S, Aa1204 Medical Center North, Nashville, TN 37232
General Orthopedic Surgeon is trained in the preservation, investigation and restoration of the form and function of the extremities, spine and associated structures by medical, surgical and physical means including the patients with musculoskeletal problems which include congenital deformities, trauma, infections, tumors, metabolic disturbances of the musculoskeletal system, deformities, injuries and degenerative diseases of the spine, hands, feet, knee, hip, shoulder and elbow in children and adults. Patients with primary and secondary muscular problems and the effects of central or peripheral nervous system lesions of the musculoskeletal system are also concerned.