Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeons in Grand Blanc, Michigan

Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeons
male surgeon
Frederick C. Schreiber, DO

    Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic
4442 Genesys Pkwy, Grand Blanc, MI 48439
866-974-2673     866-939-2673
male surgeon
Dr. Timothy Ephriam Ekpo, DO

    Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic
12303 Pinehurst Ln, Grand Blanc, MI 48439
Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeon deals with reconstructive procedures such as joint arthroplasty (i.e., hip and knee), osteotomy, arthroscopy, soft-tissue reconstruction, and a variety of other adult reconstructive surgical procedures.
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