Physical Therapists in Easton, Pennsylvania

Physical Therapists
female physical therapist
Helaine Nani Cruise

    Physical Therapist
2600 Northampton St, Easton, PA 18045
female physical therapist
Ireland Elizabeth Bailey, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
1700 St Lukes Blvd Ste 201, Easton, PA 18045
female physical therapist
Janet Catherine Dee, P.T

    Physical Therapist
2222 Sullivan Trl, Easton, PA 18040
female physical therapist
Dr. Jaspreet Kaur Singh, DPT

    Physical Therapist
215 Cedar Park Blvd, Easton, PA 18042
female physical therapist
Jeanne Fried, PT

    Physical Therapist
4016 Towpath Cir W, Easton, PA 18045
female physical therapist
Jennifer Klembara, MPT

    Physical Therapist
12 Windrift Ct, Easton, PA 18045
female physical therapist
Jennifer I Sinko, PT, DPT

    Physical Therapist
2222 Sullivan Trl Ste 103, Easton, PA 18040
female physical therapist
Jhoanna Rae Marquez, P.T.

    Physical Therapist
788 Mohican Dr, Easton, PA 18040
female physical therapist
Jodee Lynn Fortner, M.S.P.T.

    Physical Therapist
941 Mitman Rd., Easton, PA 18040
male physical therapist
Mr. John S Young, LPT

    Physical Therapist
304 Village At Stones Crossing Rd, Easton, PA 18045
male physical therapist
Mr. Jonathan Manuel, P.T.

    Physical Therapist
1950 Grigio Pl, Easton, PA 18045
male physical therapist
Jonathan Borger, PT

    Physical Therapist
3601 Nazareth Rd, Easton, PA 18045
male physical therapist
Joseph Craig White

    Physical Therapist - Orthopedic
2003 Sullivan Trl Ste 3, Easton, PA 18040
female physical therapist
Judith Ketusky, PT

    Physical Therapist
2222 Sullivan Trl, Easton, PA 18040
male physical therapist
Julius Kenneth Silva, P.T.

    Physical Therapist - Orthopedic
3735 Easton Nazareth Hwy, Suite 101, Easton, PA 18045
610-252-2700     610-250-9257
Physical Therapists are health care professionals who evaluate and treat people with health problems resulting from injury or disease. Physical therapist's assess joint motion, muscle strength and endurance, function of heart and lungs, and performance of activities required in daily living, among other responsibilities. Treatment includes therapeutic exercises, cardiovascular endurance training, and training in activities of daily living.
Physical therapists are qualified by an accredited program in physical therapy, licensed by the state, and practicing within the scope of that license. Physical therapists treat disease, injury, or loss of a bodily part by physical means, such as the application of light, heat, cold, water, electricity, massage and exercise. They develop treatment plans based upon each patient's strengths, weaknesses, range of motion and ability to function.
A health professional who specializes in physical therapy- the health care field concerned primarily with the treatment of disorders with physical agents and methods, such as massage, manipulation, therapeutic exercises, cold, heat (including short-wave, microwave, and ultrasonic diathermy), hydrotherapy, electric stimulation and light to assist in rehabilitating patients and in restoring normal function after an illness or injury.