Jeffrey L Stanger Pa

Clinical Neuropsychologist

8197 N University Dr Ste 3, Tamarac
Florida, 33321-1743

 954-720-2800     954-720-6547Maps & Directions
Jeffrey L Stanger Pa is a Clinical Neuropsychologist Clinic in Tamarac, Florida. It is situated at 8197 N University Dr Ste 3, Tamarac and its contact number is 954-720-2800. The authorized person of Jeffrey L Stanger Pa is Dr. Jeffrey L Stanger who is Owner of the clinic and their contact number is 561-498-4300. Other organizations associated with this clinic are Orthospex Llc, Jeffrey L Stanger Pa, Primary license number for Jeffrey L Stanger Pa is CH3463 (Chiropractor) in Florida.
Complete Clinic Profile:
Jeffrey L Stanger Pa Clinic speciality, address, contact phone number and fax are as below. Patients can directly walkin to the clinic or can call on the below given phone number for appointment.
Specialization: Clinical Neuropsychologist
Clinic Address:8197 N University Dr Ste 3, Tamarac,
Florida, 33321-1743
Authorized/Official Person Profile:
Officially authorized person to contact for any management issues or complaints of this clinic are as below. Person's position and contact details are also mentioned below.
Name: Dr. Jeffrey L Stanger
Position: Owner
Contact Number: 561-498-4300
Professional Identification Codes:
NPI number stands for National Provider Identifier which is a unique 10-digit identification number issued to health care providers in the United States by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). NPI details for Jeffrey L Stanger Pa Clinic are as mentioned below.
NPI Number: 1689848145
NPI Enumeration Date: 16 Apr, 2008
NPI Last Update On: 23 Apr, 2008
Other Associated Organizations:
Other organizations which are associated with this clinic are as mentioned below. These organization share the same address but have similar or different specialization. Speciality of these organizations are also mentioned below.
NameSpecializationNPI Number
Orthospex LlcOrthopaedic Trauma 1508162983
Jeffrey L Stanger PaClinical Neuropsychologist 1689848145
Medical Licenses:
Organizations can have one or more medical licenses for different specialities in the same state or different states. Related medical licenses for Jeffrey L Stanger Pa are as mentioned below.
SpecializationLicense NumberStateStatus
Chiropractor CH3463FloridaPrimary
Clinical Neuropsychologist PY3266FloridaSecondary
Chiropractor CH8449FloridaSecondary
Chiropractor CH8686FloridaSecondary
Chiropractor CH9239FloridaSecondary
Chiropractor CH8100FloridaSecondary
Family Medicine ME36462FloridaSecondary
Neurological Surgery ME8830FloridaSecondary
Neurological Surgery ME96190FloridaSecondary
Orthopaedic Trauma ME80307FloridaSecondary
Physical Therapist PT008827FloridaSecondary
Other Medical Identifiers:
Other legacy medical identifiers of the clinic such as Medicaid, Medicare PIN, NSC, UPIN etc. are mentioned as below.
K1963OtherFloridaMedicare Group Number
Business Mailing Address:
Business mailing address can be used for mailing purpose only, for visiting purpose patients need to refer above mentioned address.
Address: Jeffrey L Stanger Pa
601 N Congress Ave, Suite 417
Delray Beach, Florida
Zip: 33445-4703
Phone Number: 561-272-1582
Fax Number: 561-272-1932
Patients can reach Jeffrey L Stanger Pa at 8197 N University Dr Ste 3, Tamarac, Florida or can call to book an appointment on 954-720-2800. Data of this site is collected from Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and NPPES. Last updated on 10 March, 2025.

Comments/ Reviews:

Clinical Neuropsychologist: A clinical psychologist who applies principles of assessment and intervention based upon the scientific study of human behavior as it relates to normal and abnormal functioning of the central nervous system. The specialty is dedicated to enhancing the understanding of brain-behavior relationships and the application of such knowledge to human problems.
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