Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeons in Carmel, Indiana

Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeons
male surgeon
Mr. John Hur, MD

    Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic
10767 Illinois St Ste 3000, Carmel, IN 46032
317-817-1200     317-817-1220
male surgeon
Dr. Philip Seamus Huang, DO

    Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic
13430 N Meridian St Ste 367, Carmel, IN 46032
Hip and Knee Replacement Orthopedic Surgeon deals with reconstructive procedures such as joint arthroplasty (i.e., hip and knee), osteotomy, arthroscopy, soft-tissue reconstruction, and a variety of other adult reconstructive surgical procedures.